We at Darby hope you have a Happy Halloween! In this case, spiders love to crawl on woven intercrimp wire mesh.
Special shout out to a local brewery, Human Robot. Great place, great beer…and personally, we can’t get enough of their awesome (wire mesh) decorations! Also, they are right around the corner of our headquarters, here in Philadelphia.
Following health and safety guidelines, Edward J. Darby & Son, Inc. continues to operate and to supply the country with essential products during this time. We are working hard to satisfy our customers and are fulfilling orders as quickly as possible.
Carrier Delays: Due to COVID-19 and other factors, shipping companies, including UPS, Fed Ex, and LTL Carriers like UPS Freight, Fed-Ex Freight, A. Duie Pyle, and YRC Freight are experiencing shipping delays.
UPDATED 12/4/2020: Due to COVID-19 and the holiday shopping season, UPS and many freight carriers are experiencing delays. These delays are occurring at daily scheduled pick ups and throughout the supply chain. Please be patient, and in some cases, be sure to allow for extra days in transit.
For more information, please visit: For more information regarding UPS delays, please click here.
9/2/2020: We have seen a slight improvement in UPS Ground services over the past few weeks, and we are hopeful that more accurate and timely deliveries will continue to occur. Many standard orders that ship from Darby have not experienced significant delays; in fact, the longest delay we have seen in the past week has only been 1-2 days. We’ll continue to monitor this and keep you posted.
Freight carriers like A Duie Pyle, UPS Freight, Fed Ex Freight, and other carriers have also improved their deliveries over the last few weeks. Again, we’ll continue to monitor and report what we are seeing. Thank you. We are in this together.
We at Edward J. Darby & Son, Inc. are mourning the loss of our long time employee and friend, Munib Elezovic. With his family by his side, Munib passed away on March 23, 2020 after a courageous battle with lung cancer. Everyone at Darby sends their deepest condolences to Munib’s wife, Zona, their niece, Medina, and the rest of their family. We will never forget Munib.
Affectionately known as “Brazo”, Munib was a trusted and
respected employee at Darby, working here for 22 years. If you had ever visited
Darby or loaded freight on your truck, you had met Munib. He was an extremely
dedicated person, often starting his daily tasks before the work day even
began. He had a keen understanding of wire mesh and rarely, if ever, made an
order fulfillment error. His attention to detail was extraordinary. He deeply
cared about our company and was passionate about getting his job done.
One of Brazo’s pleasures during his tenure at Darby was
to sneak home for lunch with his wife, Zona. He would routinely leave the
warehouse at 12:00pm on the nose and race home for a special lunch date with
Zona. Always a generous and kind man, Munib would also share some of his unique
sweet treats with all of us at Darby. When he asked if you wanted a honey cake,
and you responded “no thank you” because you “were on a diet”, he would respond
by saying “you too skinny, eat, try!!” And you always did. You wanted to make
Brazo happy because he was such a genuine and caring human being.
Munib was an avid soccer fan, and he would banter with
his colleagues about the big games over the weekend. He had a saying: although
a soccer ball is round, you never know how the ball will bounce.
Brazo has been and will be missed.
Until we meet again and share another cup of coffee
11:43am: As an essential and life-sustaining business in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Edward J. Darby & Son, Inc. continues to operate. We are here to support all types of customers – small machine shops, large corporations, the medical community, and other industrial users. We are dedicated to serving all customers as best as we can during this unpredictable and unprecedented time.
Be sure to contact us through email or phone with your wire mesh requirements. We also allow customers to purchase certain items directly from our website. These items are used by homeowners, iron workers, gardeners, farmers, and hobbyists of all kinds. The link to product offerings, pricing and shipping costs can be found here:
1:03pm: Yesterday, April 28 was a special day in the Philadelphia region, and we thought we would share what occurred yesterday with our website visitors. During this pandemic, we have seen heroes who risk their lives in battling this virus on the front lines, and yesterday the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds honored these individuals with a flyover in the Philadelphia area.
The entire staff at Darby climbed onto the roof to witness and to show their gratitude to all of these heroes. We thank you.
Courtesy of the Philadelphia Inquirer, April 28, 2020
Today is Wednesday, April 22.
12:49pm: Things remain busy here at Darby, and it’s still all hands on deck as we continue to work through a challenging time. Please be sure to continue to check back here for the latest updates.
Orders that normally ship in 1-2 days are running 2-3 days to ship. Fabricated parts and multiple cut to size pieces are still running at least 2 weeks. Please be sure to contact us with specific questions. Custom weaving and welding jobs are relatively on schedule, provided our wire drawers and other vendors are on time.
Samples for non-life sustaining businesses are still on hold at the present time. We are able to process sample request/orders for business entities in the medical, pharmaceutical, construction, and infrastructure-related industries. For private individuals looking for samples, we hope that we can begin to service these customers in the coming days/weeks, as the environment allows. Keep in mind that Darby offers one of the lowest minimum orders in the industry.
Be sure to contact us with any questions you may have. Please continue to be safe.
Today is Thursday, April 16.
10:28am: It’s been about a week since our last update, and, frankly, it’s because we’ve been busy here at Darby. With reduced office and shop staff (and hours), it’s all hands on deck as we navigate through this challenging time. To that end, we genuinely appreciate your support and understanding during this time. Orders are still running a bit behind. Whereas, we normally can ship orders same or next day, we are now shipping orders in 2-4 days. Fabricated parts and multiple cut to size pieces can run approximately 2 weeks. Custom weaving and welding jobs are relatively on schedule, provided our wire drawers and other vendors are on time.
Samples for non-life sustaining businesses are still on hold at the present time. We are able to process sample request/orders for business entities in the medical, pharmaceutical, construction, and infrastructure-related industries. For private individuals looking for samples, please revisit this page for updates; we hope that we can begin to service these customers in the coming days/weeks, as the environment allows. Thank you.
Be sure to contact us with any questions you may have. Please continue to be safe.
Today is Wednesday, April 8.
2:32pm: It is mostly business as usual here at Darby. Please contact us with your wire mesh requirements. As a note, we will be closed on Friday, April 10th for the holiday, but we are planning to reopen on Monday, April 13. Please feel free to contact and email us with any questions you may have. See the highlighted sentences below for more information.
Today is Tuesday, April 7.
2:05pm: Another day here at Darby, and we’re all working hard to make sure thing are running as normal and as efficient as possible. We are still prioritizing out-going orders, and our guys are working hard to fabricate and ship as many orders as we can daily. This remains an ever-changing situation, so, of course, we appreciate your understanding during this time. Standard stock items are shipping a few days after your order is placed. Custom production on certain items are running a few days later than originally stated, namely due to shipping delays for wire and slower than normal production due to a short-staff. Be sure to contact us with any specific questions.
Sample requests/orders are still suspended, but we are starting to relax this to directly assist those business entities in the health and medical field. For non-life sustaining sample requests and orders, we hope to revisit general sample requests/orders next week. Be sure to stay in touch. Please continue to be safe and reach out to us with any wire mesh requirement you may have. Also, because of the holiday this weekend (Darby will be closed on Friday April 10) and the variables due to COVID-19, we ask that you not delay in finalizing any pending orders. Thank you.
Today is Friday, April 3.
11:37am: Wanted to wish all of our customers and website visitors a safe and healthy weekend. It’s been quite a week for everyone everywhere, and we are proud that we have made it through another week. While we don’t know what the next few days and weeks hold, we’re committed to doing the necessary things to defeat this virus. We are also dedicated to supplying our customers – particularly those in life-sustaining industries – with what they need as quickly as we can.
Be safe this weekend and be sure to connect with us next week. Should anything pressing occur this weekend, please reach out to us via email.
Today is Thursday, April 2.
12:02pm: We would like to use this opportunity to let everyone know how hard our shop team is working to fulfill jobs right now. They are working harder and faster and doing everything possible to get orders at the door as quickly as possible. Everyone at Darby is inspired by their efforts, and we appreciate your understanding right now.
Today is Wednesday, April 1.
10:38am: It’s mostly business as usual at Darby right now. We still have our small and dedicated crew in house, working hard to satisfy all wire mesh requirements. We have continued our discussion with local logistic companies, and they are committed to making pick ups and deliveries.
We are still in a fluid situation, of course, taking it day by day. We are currently running a few days to ship in-stock items. We appreciate your support, and rest assured, we are doing everything we can to meet your requirements. Please contact us with any questions you have.
Today is Monday, March 30.
1:25pm: President Trump extended social distancing guidelines until April 30. As an essential and life-sustaining business in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Darby will continue to operate as best as we can and as the environment allows. We have been and are continuing to conduct business as usual.
We are still practicing social distancing and disinfecting key areas of our facility as often as possible. We are encouraging any employee who feels ill to stay home. We have also suspended any non-essential visits to our facility and will not be accepting walk-in customers.
We are still prioritizing outgoing orders, and our team is eager to help our customers, big and small, during this uncertain time. We’re starting to see an increased demand in certain items and current supply levels are starting to dip a bit. Please be sure to contact us with your requirements. Be safe!!
Today is Thursday, March 26.
9:39am: Business almost as usual for Darby as Coronavirus continues. We are working hard to meet the requirements of our varied customer base. Please contact us directly, via email or phone, to discuss your requirements.
Today is Wednesday, March 25.
10:43am: Another day, and we’re pushing hard to get important orders out of the door. Our entire crew has been working hard to fulfill as many orders as possible. The good news is that lead times for stock items are now back to a few days to ship. Custom manufactured items are still on schedule, with some of the tougher, more complicated specifications, taking a few days longer than expected. We’ll continue to monitor things and keep you in the loop. If you currently have an order in house, please contact your salesperson and request a status update.
We continue to be impressed by our shipping partners, namely UPS and the various motor freight carriers we use. We’re continuing to use CDC recommended protocols. We thank them for their dedication and efforts during this time!
Today is Tuesday, March 24.
11:40am: During this unprecedented time, we are using this platform to provide daily updates to our customers, suppliers, communities, and friends. We genuinely appreciate your support during this difficult time.
We are still operating, while maintaining social distancing and practicing CDC recommended procedures. It’s been a challenge, no doubt, but in our own small way, it’s our responsibility to continue to serve our customers. As an example, our wire mesh discs are used to assemble MRI machines throughout the United States. Failure to supply our product will jeopardize our customer’s ability to produce these machines. There are countless other examples that we hope to share with you over the coming days and weeks.
Finally, we would like to thank all of our customers, who have contacted us, asking what they can do to support us and make sure we continue to work. Your support during this difficult time makes the challenge worthwhile.
Today is Monday, March 23.
12:39pm: Essential Business Compliance Statement:
Edward J. Darby & Son, Inc. is categorized as an essential business by the State of Pennsylvania under the updated Industry Operation Guidance as “Metal Wholesaler” in the Wholesale Trade sector. Darby is categorized as an essential business by the City of Philadelphia under the Mayor’s Order No. 2, section G.9, Essential Infrastructure and Industrial Business and Activities “Wholesale Trade”.
Darby supplies essential goods and parts to manufacturers in the Pharmaceutical, Defense, Construction, Food Processing, and Health and Hospital equipment industries.
Today is Friday, March 20.
11:52am: As many of you know, wire mesh is an extremely versatile industrial product used in countless industries and applications. We often say that wire mesh is used by NASA engineers and hog farmers and everyone in between. We are suppliers, both directly and indirectly, to life-sustaining businesses. As an example, we are diligently working with our copper wire mesh to satisfy an order used in an air filtration application in hospitals. The hypothesis of scientists, doctors, and medical experts is that these copper mesh filters limit the spread of COVID-19. To that end, we are still operating on a day to day schedule.
We are also doing our best to prioritize outgoing orders, based on industry served and perceived application. Often times, we do not know the exact use of our supplied wire mesh, but, given the circumstances, we’re trying to ascertain that information. The wellness of our employees and communities remain the utmost of importance.
And again, this is an extremely fluid situation, subject to change, day by day and hour by hour.
Today is Thursday, March 19.
3:33pm: Thank you for your support and patience during this volatile time. Currently, we are still operating, and we are asking our customers to be patient and understanding. Typically, we are able to ship stock items in a day or two. Given the situation, we are currently running up to one week to ship stock and readily available items. Custom manufactured items are still on schedule with lead times still relatively accurate. Should you have an order in house and will not be able accept the delivery, please let us know as soon as possible.
Again, this is a fluid situation and subject to change without notice.
Today is Wednesday, March 18.
12:09pm: Darby remains hard at work servicing our customers and attempting to make the best out of a difficult and unpredictable situation. We are still working with a short-handed crew, and our team’s attitude remains determined.
At this time, we have decided to suspend all sample orders for the foreseeable future. We appreciate your support, and we will let you know when we can begin fulfilling samples.
9:12am: Darby recently received clarification from local and state governments that we are permitted to stay open as an essential business. We also learned that UPS and many motor freight carriers will continue to operate for the time being. We are actively working to continue business operations, and we’ll be updating things here throughout the day. More details to follow!
Today is Tuesday, March 17th.
3:03pm: We are working as safely and as hard as possible with a skeletal crew at the moment. Our priorities remain our employees, our customers, and our community. We are working with our partners to minimize business interruptions and attempting to proactively address potential issues as soon as possible. If you are a current customer – and have an order in house or a pending order – please feel free to contact us via email at: [email protected] or [email protected] with any questions you may have. Be safe and we’ll speak soon!
1:27pm: Please continue to check this page for the latest updates as it relates to Darby’s operations. Thank you and be safe!
Darby recently completed a very interesting project, and we thought we would share the details.
Mesh: 2″ x 2″ On Centers Wire: .192″ Diameter Wire Metal: T-316 SS Woven Wire Mesh Weave Type: Lock Crimp Quantity: 20 Sheets, 49.5″ x 57.5″ Contractor: Accent Fence and Metal Works (Egg Harbor City, NJ) Mesh Supplied: June 2017 Installation Date: October 2017
Lock Love Fence meets Lock Crimp Mesh
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) CEO Margaret Foti places a Love Lock on Philadelphia’s new Hope Fence. Courtesy of AACR
We’re back! I know this blog has been silent lately, but now that our Philadelphia Eagles have the best record in the NFL, we’re ready to shout out our support for our home team from the rooftops!
Philadelphia Cityscape from Darby’s Roof
To be honest, though, it’s been a while since the Eagles have been this good. In fact, the last time our city was swept up in football fever was in 2005 when the Eagles lost to the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl. During that season, the team was lead by QB Donovan McNabb, WR Terrell Owens and RB Brian Westbrook.
Super Bowl XXXIX
This time around, the Eagles have Carson Wentz, a “North Dakota Tough” quarterback, who holds this city’s destiny in the palm of his hands. In his second year, Wentz has already been mentioned in the MVP conversation.
Carson Wentz: Philly’s Hope for a Super Bowl
It turns out that Carson and the rest of the Eagles are big fans of baseball. In fact, the birds have used the NFL’s relaxed touchdown celebration rules to pretend to play baseball.
The Eagles are also big fans of baseball star (and fellow Eagle fan) Mike Trout. Mike Trout can be found at most games, and often times, after a touchdown, the Eagles will find him and celebrate with him. This image caught our eye this past weekend: Mike Trout and his buddies posing for a picture with a football given to them after the Eagles beat the 49ers on Sunday October 29, 2017.
Mike Trout at Eagles Game (What’s in the background?)
However, as a wire mesh blog, what we really saw was this:
Woven Wire Mesh Infill Panel
That’s right! A Woven Wire Mesh Infill Panel!!!
P.S. We realize that championing the Eagles this early in the season is not smart. We are also very superstitious. So, should this season end up poorly, we are very sorry!!!
“It (wire mesh) had transparency, and also it reflected light. It was delicate but strong, smooth to the touch, but also could draw blood if not handled properly.”
Recently, one of Darby’s customers was featured in Southwest Journal, Southwest Minneapolis’ community newspaper. Over the years, Darby has worked with numerous artists, and we’re proud to say that Kristi Swee Kuder is another one of our favorite artists.
Kristi Swee Kuder, Artist using Wire Mesh
A trained artist, Kristi wrestled with the effects of mental illness on her youngest son and became inspired to explore her creative side using a product that is both messy and beautiful.
Let’s face it: wire mesh is an industrial product, and as such, it isn’t the most glamorous thing in the world. Whether it’s plain steel wire mesh or galvanized wire cloth, wire mesh is commonly used in industrial applications like filtration and separation. Wire mesh is made to take a beating, as they say.
Galvanized wire mesh used in an archaeological dig.
So, when we at Darby Wire Mesh stumbled upon artist Edoardo Tresoldi, our collective jaw hit the floor and we said: WOW.
Wow! Edoardo Tresoldi
Forbes Magazine recently included Mr. Tresoldi among the 30 most influential European artists under 30. Born in Italy, Edoardo studied in Milan and Rome, and, according to his website (https://www.edoardotresoldi.com): he “plays with the transparency of mesh and with industrial materials to transcend the time-space dimension and narrate a dialogue between Art and World.
Edoardo Tresoldi – Man of Mesh
At this point, we think it is important to note that Darby Wire Mesh did not supply any of this mesh to this artist. We found many of the images below, and we were frankly blown away. This is an absolutely incredible achievement, and we thought we should share it with our readers.
Tresoldi’s Mesh Sculpture
Tresoldi’s Mesh Sculpture
Tresoldi’s Mesh Sculpture
Tresoldi’s Mesh Sculpture
As we’ve studied his creation, from video clips (Making of Mesh Tresoldi) to other publications (Expansive Pavilion | Wire Mesh Sclupture | Edoardo Tresoldi ), we venture to guess that Edoardo is using a Galvanized Welded Wire Mesh. The mesh opening size is likely around 1″ x 1″ or 2″ x 2” and features a substantial diameter wire. The wire must be rigid enough to hold its own weight and be light enough to bend, cut, and work with.
These sculptures were created for a royal event in Abu Dhabi. These domes and columns are lit from both above and below and create a translucent, almost ghost-like appearance that harkens to Tresoldi’s modern aesthetic. Source: www.thiscolossal.com
Did you know that the Super Bowl is one of the most watched annual sporting events in the world? We at Darby Wire Mesh bet you did know that and that you likely watched this year’s Super Bowl between the New England Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons.
Super Bowl LI: Patriots Vs. Falcons
And, to no one’s surprise, marketers do too! That is why, according to www.fortune.com, the average cost for a 30 second TV commercial during the 2017 Super Bowl between the Patriots and Falcons was $5 Million.
Some of the commercials that you will see during the Super Bowl will certainly make you laugh; others will likely tug at your heart. And come Monday morning, everyone will be talking about these commercials.
Mr. Clean Super Bowl Commercial
We at Darby Wire Mesh also assume that you will also see an advertisement with a scantily clad woman promoting a beer or a handsome man selling yogurt. In other words, these commercial spots attempt to sell a product or promote a brand through sex.
Bieber, Gronk – Super Bowl Commercial
Darby Wire Mesh never believed we would see the day when someone attempted to make Wire Mesh sexy, but it has happened. Originally brought to our attention by www.kotaku.com, a website that follows the video gaming industry, it appears there is a Taiwanese Wire Mesh Company that is using Sex to sell Wire Mesh!
At Darby Wire Mesh, there is no need for us to resort to sex in order to sell wire mesh. Here’s our bottom line:Darby Wire Mesh is one of the country’s preeminent and most trusted suppliers of woven and welded wire mesh, and we have been for over 150 years. As a family owned company, we are dedicated to serving our customers, from the large industrial user to the small machine shop (and everyone in between). Our knowledge of the domestic and global industry is second to none; and our expertise in our products can assist you in finding the right wire mesh for your application.
We believe that we do not need to use sex to sell wire mesh…plus, I do not think you want to see this blog in a swimsuit!
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