Let’s face it: wire mesh is an industrial product, and as such, it isn’t the most glamorous thing in the world. Whether it’s plain steel wire mesh or galvanized wire cloth, wire mesh is commonly used in industrial applications like filtration and separation. Wire mesh is made to take a beating, as they say.

So, when we at Darby Wire Mesh stumbled upon artist Edoardo Tresoldi, our collective jaw hit the floor and we said: WOW.

Forbes Magazine recently included Mr. Tresoldi among the 30 most influential European artists under 30. Born in Italy, Edoardo studied in Milan and Rome, and, according to his website (https://www.edoardotresoldi.com): he “plays with the transparency of mesh and with industrial materials to transcend the time-space dimension and narrate a dialogue between Art and World.

At this point, we think it is important to note that Darby Wire Mesh did not supply any of this mesh to this artist. We found many of the images below, and we were frankly blown away. This is an absolutely incredible achievement, and we thought we should share it with our readers.

As we’ve studied his creation, from video clips (Making of Mesh Tresoldi) to other publications (Expansive Pavilion | Wire Mesh Sclupture | Edoardo Tresoldi ), we venture to guess that Edoardo is using a Galvanized Welded Wire Mesh. The mesh opening size is likely around 1″ x 1″ or 2″ x 2” and features a substantial diameter wire. The wire must be rigid enough to hold its own weight and be light enough to bend, cut, and work with.
These sculptures were created for a royal event in Abu Dhabi. These domes and columns are lit from both above and below and create a translucent, almost ghost-like appearance that harkens to Tresoldi’s modern aesthetic. Source: www.thiscolossal.com
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